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Our Volunteer shares her experience from Rushooka, Uganda.

Our Orutindo  Project Volunteer’s Experience, 2015


Nice to Meet You Uganda


I placed this picture on my dream board many years after I had made the decision to one day visit Africa, and only a few years before I finally did.

Meeting Joseline and Tomas in December of 2014 completely changed my view of what it meant to travel to Africa, Uganda. With their enthusiasm and love for Uganda and its people, they helped me to realize that my childhood dream would actually come true, and that it would not be as scary as I once thought it would be.

When you travel throughout the country you´ll understand why Winston Churchill called this place “Pearl of Africa”.GiraffeKrokodilIt’s an indescribable feeling walking  among rhinos and standing face to face with giraffes, or going down the river Nile watching elephants, hippos, crocodiles and other species in their wild home.

After a week of traveling throughout Uganda I was welcomed by hills of a land full of milk and honey. These are the hills that separate southern part of Uganda from Rwanda – the same hills that filled my dreams half a year before I visited them in reality.

Thanks to hospitality of fathers from Franciscan parish in Rushooka, I was living as a queen compared to the conditions in which most of the villagers live every day.

SchuleDuring my stay I visited local primary school. There I observed classrooms where over 60 children learned from a single teacher. I saw how the children are taught discipline, and how they spend long, exhausting days at school. But I was also very touched by how they sing and dance so naturally in their traditions.

MalenOne of the strongest moments that is imprinted in my memory happened when I was teaching. I had to explain to the children how to color with paint and a brush because they had never seen something like that in their life. Big thanks to my family and friends who donated colors, brushes, colored pencils, coloring books and papers.


Jitka Vosmeková



New 10 Orphan kids join the Orutindo family.


1.Nkamushaba Anthony nursery from Rushooka, 4 years and lives at the moment with Grandmother.

2.Sasirabo mathias p1 Rwamirindi, 9 years and at the moment lives with his brother.

3.Niwahereza justus P1 kijubwe, 8 years and lives at the moment with the Grandparents.

4.Kemirembe Doreen P3 Rwahi, female 15 years and lives at the moment with the Grandmother.

5.Mbabazi Abigail p3 Rwamirindi, Female 8 years and at the moment lives with Grandmother.

6.Ayebare Desire p3 Kijubwe, Female 9 years and lives at the moment with Grandmother.

7.Amunkwase Gidion p3 Rushooka, Male 10 years and lives with Grandmother at the moment.

8.Arinaitwe Felix p3 Ruhega, M 10 years and lives at the moment with Grandmother.

9.Natukunda patricia p4 kijubwe, Female 9 years and lives at the moment with the Grandmother.

10. Ainembabazi Leticia is in Nursery, Female  4 years and lives at the moment with Grandmother.. 

 we welcome you kids to Orutindo family and we will try our best to make you happy with us. Thanks everyone who is helping us to make miracles happen.

Welcome Mr. Jochymek Frantisek

Very many reasons to celebrate. We would like to welcome and to celebrate a new member in our Orutindo community Frantisek Jochymek and wish you all the best  at us , feel as part of this family and thanks for your kind heart for joining us to bring more smiles to many more others who would otherwise without orutindo family not afford a smile.

Welcome and feel at Orutindo.

2 Orutindo Kids in Rwanda for Studies

As we celebrate a new year 2016 in style, we would also like to reach out to all our members and to let you know that two from our Orutindo Project kids have been admitten on a Technical Institution in Rwanda (Centre of Father Vjeko- Kivumu). They will study there for 3 year Fashion and Design. Most of all we would like to thank Father Ivica, the Director of the school who opened up and gave us the chance that the two girls could be admitted and study there. To the Orutindo members, we thank you for your continued support and we still invite everyone who supports our cause to join us as we bring more smiles to many kids and many families. We have no choice other than wishing NSIMIIRE DAVIS and NINSIIMA MEDIUS  a wonderful stay in Rwanda.

yours Orutindo Management.


Jahresbericht 2014


  1. Im Sommer 2014 wurden wir darauf hingewiesen, dass nunmehr das Dach des ICIE leckt, so dass Massnahmen erforderlich werden.
  2. Nach wie vor suchen immer wieder Jugendliche von der Strasse Unterschlupf dort. Diese tolerieren wir nach wie vor, da sie keine Unordnung machen und auch keinen Schaden angerichtet haben.
  3. Es wird wie immer zu Sach-Spenden aufgerufen.
  4. Es hat sich eine neue „volunteer“ (Jitka) gemeldet, nachdem die vorherige Freiwillige auch der Schweiz doch nicht angetreten ist.
  5. Bildungsprojekte, z.b. Musikprojekt waren geplant. Daran wird gearbeitet.
  6. Im September hat Familie Popp eine Vollpatenschaft übernommen für Dorothy. Eine Vollpatenschaft heisst, dass er sich voll verantwortlich erklärt für dessen Ausbildung und diese auch finanziert. Das ist ein in Afrika übliches Systhem der Unterstützung innerhalb der Familie.
  7. Kabaya (Patenkinde der Fam. Bromova – Srek) wird nunmehr in die Boarding School von Rushooka wechseln. Gratulation!
  8. Der Verein ruft weiter auf zu solchen Patenschaften. Die Kosten für ein Jahr Schulausbildung an einer primary school (1 – 7 Klasse) betragen 600.- Euro pro Jahr – incl. Unterkunft.
  9. Wir bedanken uns auch für die Spenden aller treuen Spender: Malteser Oswiecim, Familie Popp, Fam. Winter, Familie Srek-Bromova und Familie Liska – welche die Arbeit des Vereins in diesem Jahr am meisten ermöglicht haben. Denn allein vom symbolischen Jahresbeitrag können wir noch nicht viel ausrichten. Allerdings würde sich dies ändern, wenn wir zumindest 50 zahlende Mitglieder hätten. Daher rufen wir alle Mitglieder auf, zumindest einen oder 2 Freunde zu motivieren! Viele kleine Hilfe gibt eine grosse Hilfe!
  10. Die Idee, welche seit Juli 2013 in die Tat umgesetzt wurde, funktioniert nach wie vor: Das Familienhaus von Joseline Amutuhaire in Rushooka wurde vermietet an Lehrer der dortigen Schule. Die gesamten Einnahmen i.H.v. ca. 700.- Euro/Jahr werden fur Orutindo zur Verfügung gestellt und finanzieren das Leben der „Schulkinder“ in Rushooka.
  11. Sein Frühjahr haben wie auch eine neue Webseite: Dies geht zurück auf eine Initiative von Susanne Popp, welche ehrenamtlich die Seite verwaltet und auch aufgebaut hat!

Ein herzliches Dankeschön!


Call for Volunteers

we already have some people interested in volunteering at orutindo for this year and we still need more, please if you would like to volunteer at orutindo, you are very welcome, write us your questions, your interests , expectations and what you would like to share with us at our project. welcome

2013 – 2014 Overview

Full of smiles in this spring season, i send you all greetings from Orutindo Project.
We would like to inform all our members that the project is doing well and we would like to thank all the active members who have supported us to this level and would like to encourage the passive members not to loose strength, it is not too late to be with us actively and to follow our activities actively. We would like to thank members who have been with us and have supported us:

Matej Razinger – (Switzerland)
Regula – (Switzerland)
Desney and Reinhard Winter – (Austria)
Maltezer Oswiencim – (Poland)
Jurij Vasiliev – (Russia)
Bromova Srek – (CZech)
Liska Family – (Czech)
Susanne Popp – (Germany-Zurich)
Amutuhaire Joseline (Basiga Fonds) (Uganda)

I would like to update you on the activities of the project and if anyone is not satisified please, you are free to contact up.
Right now we have 3 children in secondary school for whom we pay school fees. Then we have 3 children in primary school for whom we pay school fees as well. we have around 15 children on our waiting list and due to limited funds we cannot manage to have all in school but we have them on a waiting list, when some funds appear we add in more. We started to pay school fees in 2010 with only one child but now we have six children being sponsored.
Then the house for the project is half way finished, we have totally failed to finish the roof and we request every member to think about it, to look for friends who would like to contribute something that we can make a nice roof. The building should not collapse on its final stages. The floor is also not yet made but for now the most important is the roof.
We still beg for laptops, if anybody wants to donate a laptop or has one which he nolonger uses, please donate it to our project because we would like to install computers and internet so that our children and the community around can have a chance for research, education through such possibilities.

We would also like to invite all members, who ever wishes at anytime to visit the project and see our activities, give some ideas whenever possible.
New mebers are still welcome. to be a member you are just obliged to pay a minimum of 1euro per month that is 12euros a year, then you will be part of us and will be supporting our activities.
if you have donated anything to orutindo project, you are free to ask for the use and accountability of whatever you have donated.

keep following our blog where our activities are posted more often. Please stay with us to make our work more amazing. We are because you are and since you are therefore we are.

Big party for our Orutindo, non governmental organisation

well, in two weeks we plan to make a party with presents for our kids of orutindo project, we have 15 children and we plan to have more as long us we get more support. 7 friends from europe will be with us and will visit our project in Rushooka village, uganda. anyone who wants to support our children, you are very welcome or to be a member of this project. being a member, you need only to contribute one euro a month however you can give more if you want. alright, helping as many children as possible is our passion.


At orutindo project, officially we have 15 children and officially 4 are being sponsore, one is sponsored from Poland, Malteser oswiencim and 3 are helped by UGANDAN DANCERS BAND Czech Republic. So if any one would love to share little he or she has with those who have nothing, please, you are very welcome, on this blog your can get all the information. you can choose from the Orutindo kids on the blog and let us know whom you are willing to help and feel free to ask information about the child and arrangements to visit and to see the child is also possible, Orutindo group can arrange that. The more help we get, the more children we admit in the group, for now we are limited with the finances. thanks a lot and lets not get tired of giving help.